About us
Using digital retinal cameras, Retscreen provides a new digital infrastructure for capturing images near patients. Medical assessment of images is conducted at a central clinical unit, which also manages referrals, scheduling, patient notifications, payments, and feedback to patients/physicians.
Our vision is to offer high-quality and straightforward regular monitoring of retinal changes locally in patients with diabetes.
Our values include safety, simplicity, security, collaboration, and innovation.
Our strategy is to leverage technological advancements and innovation to place the patient at the forefront. Develop and deliver medical care with the highest possible level of quality and safety, close to the patient's residence. To create solutions that can be utilised both nationally and internationally. Utilise dedicated personnel for the task. Address several of the United Nations' sustainability goals for the service, including reducing the carbon footprint of regular medical care.
Who are we

Alexander Skau
Ophthalmologist - Specialist in eye diseases
Specialist in private practice at Klinikk S AS

Christian Evenrud Skau
Ophthalmologist - Specialist in eye diseases
Senior Consultant at the Eye Department of Nordlandssykehuset HF

Katrin Tjærandsen
Managing Director at Klinikk S AS

Marlen Tjærandsen
Secretary at central
Retscreen AS

Carl Zeiss AS Norge


Innovasjon Norge
